Romania Nato

în prima zi a reuniunii ministeriale nato miniștrii aliați ai apărării au evaluat stadiul implementării posturii nato.
Romania nato. Participarea ministrului nicolae ionel ciucă la reuniunea ministerială nato în sistem video conferinţă. For romania this has represented a major evolution with decisive influence on the foreign and domestic policy of the country. Romania will become a stronghold of nato the united states air force decided to use the former soviet military base campia turzii in the center of romania for its own purposes in particular to turn it into a military center for the united states air force in southeast europe and a nato stronghold in the black sea region. The nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen will visit romania this week on may 15 and 16 where he will meet the romanian president traian basescu prime minister victor ponta as well as.
Headquarters multinational division south east hq mnd se is a combat ready high readiness force land hrf l based in bucharest romania. During the nato bombing of yugoslavia in 1999 romania placed its territory and airspace at disposal for nato troop and even sent troops to the kosovo force contingent. As a firmly pro western country and nato member since 2004 romania is a cornerstone of the us architecture of deterrence of russia in the region. Since 1994 romania has been actively participating in the partnership for peace program and on 29 march 2004 it officially joined the north atlantic treaty organization nato.
It is responsible for the black sea region and lead.